The multi-purpose, mixed-use cafe space
The idea of a mixed-use space isn’t new; however, the execution of the types of mixed use has been gaining in popularity!
Read MoreThe idea of a mixed-use space isn’t new; however, the execution of the types of mixed use has been gaining in popularity!
Read MoreIt’s been a heck of a long time since I’ve updated this blog and to be honest, I don’t know who reads this anymore. I do know that some of my older blog posts have been surfacing in Google results and I’m not sure why. So, if you’ve landed on this site because of a Google search and you’re looking for a professional photographer, then perhaps this blog post will explain things to you.
Read MoreToday, I celebrate 11 years of freelancing.
It feels like just yesterday when I wrote about a decade of doing this. In wedding anniversary materials, I should be gifting myself with something made of steel (blah blah about being married to my work). In the past, I’ve done posts that list the things I’ve learned, but I’m switching it up this time to 11 things I’m working on.
Thinking back to my early days of freelancing, I remember comparing myself to others further in their careers. I thought they knew everything and were so put together. So I’m here to combat that belief: I don’t know everything and I’m still kind of messy.
Here are 11 things I’m still working on (lots of reframing work happening here):
Read MoreMy writing workflow is probably more elaborate than it should be. I’m a slow writer. At least, I believe I am. I would never survive in a newsroom. It takes me what feels like forever to gather interviews, and that part alone isn’t a single task.
Read MoreIn my experience as a consultant and freelancer—trying out different ways of handling new client inquiries—asking for the budget is one of the ways to weed out those who aren’t serious yet about hiring you. I make the intake question required, though people have filled it out before without actually putting in a number. I don’t ask for an exact amount; a range is fine. What I really want to know is whether you put a little thought into what a project might cost you.
Read MoreShould business owners be on social media?
The short answer is yes.
Do business owners need to be on social media? No.
There are also a few other questions related to this:
At the end of 2008, I was finishing my first semester as a college senior. When I started undergrad, I’d already had a Xanga, LiveJournal, Tumblr, and a barely touched MySpace. Facebook had just opened signups to non-college emails. The online world fascinated me and here came along this network that you could micro-blog on!
Read MoreIt is said that 90% of any online social readership are lurkers. Lurkers are those who consume the content but don’t respond to it. Nine percent are contributors and only one percent create content, forming the 90-9-1 rule. This is not a new marketing rule and it seems to apply only in spaces for online communities, such as Twitter, Reddit, interest-based forums, Twitch, etc.
Read MoreIn many ways, I am a terrible digital-savvy millennial. I hate video as a media format.
Read MoreDo you need to have a working knowledge of pop culture to be effective at marketing?
This is the question that I’ve been mulling over for a bit. The cultural competence part came in when I read a piece about therapists and building up a cultural competence of those who are “extremely online.” In marketing, it doesn’t seem like we call it cultural competence. Instead, we create buyer personas and market research. We do focus groups and ask if someone’s interested in such and such product, dutifully noting down their demographics.
Read MoreI'm a San Francisco-based writer & photographer. On the side, I munch on donuts & hang out with my dog Zoey.
You can reach me here or on Bluesky.
Life goal:
eat / drink coffee / write / travel
>>>> all in one.
Jenn is a San Francisco-based writer & photographer. On the side, she munches on chips & hangs out with her dog Zoey. You can reach her via the contact page or on social media @thejennchen.
about this site
All photos were taken by Jenn Chen, unless otherwise noted, & under full copyright. Photos of me in red & orange were taken by Jessica Caisse. Do not use copy or photos without prior permission. Logos designed by Hannah Ellen.
All images & copy are Copyright Jenn Chen Media, LLC 2008-2024. All Rights Reserved.
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