Cultural competence & pop culture
Do you need to have a working knowledge of pop culture to be effective at marketing? I argue yes.
Interested in booking me for photography services? I have a dedicated photo site now! Visit for service details and pricing.
tanjennts is a personal newsletter hosted on Ghost. Via essays and features, I explore all the tangents that coffee takes me on.
2x a month on Wednesdays
Do you need to have a working knowledge of pop culture to be effective at marketing? I argue yes.
A few times a month, I receive work inquiries about consulting with a company that is not in the coffee industry. They’ve sometimes found me through my writing on Sprout […]
Today, I celebrate a decade of freelancing/self-employment. Something funny happens when you give notice at a job: people ask you what you’re going to do next. So when I put […]
An argument could be made that because of the existence of Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google merchants, etc., there’s no longer a need for a standalone company website. It’s just another […]
My writing/journalism hat and marketing hat are sometimes at odds with each other and this is one of those times. In writing, especially academic, I was taught that superlatives and […]
It’s been three years since I wrote about influencer tips so I thought it’d be a nice revisit on the basics. I’ve seen quite a few social media posts now […]
Call it brand sentiment or trust barometer or dark social (for example, you screenshot a tweet and text it to a friend) — it’s all the same. Despite all the […]
In relation to a recent Sprudge piece, I thought I would reflect a little more on the use of nostalgia in marketing. Creating that feeling of nostalgia through advertising is […]
My word for the year 2022 is “intuition.”
Your emails don’t have to be long to be nice.
Jenn is a San Francisco-based writer & photographer. On the side, she munches on fun flavored chips & hangs out with her dog Zoey. You can reach her via the contact page or on social media @thejennchen.
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All photos were taken by Jenn Chen, unless otherwise noted, & under full copyright. Photos of me in red & orange were taken by Jessica Caisse. Do not use copy or photos without prior permission. Logos designed by Hannah Ellen.
All images & copy are Copyright Jenn Chen Media, LLC 2008-2025. All Rights Reserved.
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