“Social Media Isn’t Marketing’s Job” (Spoiler: Yes, it is)
“Customers aren’t happy, they’re complaining on social media. How are you responding?”
“That’s not Marketing’s job.”
“Customers aren’t happy, they’re complaining on social media. How are you responding?”
“That’s not Marketing’s job.”
Take one minute right now and think to yourself: if your brand was a celebrity or fictional character, who would it be? If you’re not great at recalling names, think in terms of personality traits; for example, sarcastic, serious, or nerdy.
Write these things down somewhere and we’ll come back to the words later.
There seems to be a million articles out there in the variation of “101 Ways to Improve Your Blog.” If you’re like me, you’re probably thinking, “101?! I can barely focus on 10!”
Last month, when my iPhone Upgrade Program came around to its full year, I debated on whether I should stay with an s model or upgrade to the 7+. I upgraded to the 7+ only for the dual lens. Why would I want to upgrade to a phone that is quite literally the size of my hand?Read More
Tell me if this sounds familiar: you kind of have a blog, but you don’t post frequently and it often feels like you’re scrambling around.Read More
I'm a San Francisco-based writer & photographer. On the side, I munch on donuts & hang out with my dog Zoey.
You can reach me here or on Bluesky.
Life goal:
eat / drink coffee / write / travel
>>>> all in one.
Jenn is a San Francisco-based writer & photographer. On the side, she munches on fun flavored chips & hangs out with her dog Zoey. You can reach her via the contact page or on social media @thejennchen.
about this site
All photos were taken by Jenn Chen, unless otherwise noted, & under full copyright. Photos of me in red & orange were taken by Jessica Caisse. Do not use copy or photos without prior permission. Logos designed by Hannah Ellen.
All images & copy are Copyright Jenn Chen Media, LLC 2008-2025. All Rights Reserved.
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