Back on August 10, 2016, I committed to writing my coffee marketing newsletter. I had been sending it off and on first through Tiny Letters and then through Revue. That August issue was the beginning of my run of consistent sends. Every two weeks on Wednesdays, I’d send an issue. Sometimes, I’d be frantically putting it together and sending it at 10 pm. But no matter what, it was out and that was my low-bar goal.

It’s evolved through the year. Barista Hustle linked me in one of their issues and I had a sudden influx of subscribers. So sudden that I had to quickly upgrade to a paid plan!

But my original intent, as it has always been, is to help just one person with every issue. I believe in committing to small steps, especially in marketing. As I’m sometimes asked to give free advice, I thought sending this newsletter would be a good way to help everyone, clients included.

It’s a low commitment, it keeps me focused twice a month, and it’s even garnered some new client inquiries.

Committing to small goals can have big payoffs and I’m happy to continue writing these newsletters.

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