jenn chen


Storytelling is an art form, and it all stems from the same place: trust. Trust between the storyteller and the person whose story is being told.

Whether we’re interacting through an interview or personal branding session, I aim to make you feel heard and respected.

inspired by coffee, powered by chips

About me

Are you here to book a photo session with me? All photo services have moved to a new site.

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For the last decade-plus, I’ve worked and volunteered in the specialty coffee industry, always with the goal of building a better, more inclusive community.

I’m still in the industry as a writer and photographer, but I’ve broadened my photography scope to include personal branding! Specifically, for creatives, solopreneurs, coaches, therapists, and others who want modern, environmental portraits and custom stock photography.

You can book my photography services at my photo site:


My personal newsletter is a creative outlet: a space for me to explore personal essays, interview coffee creatives, and write fun features that don’t fit in anywhere else. Topics are tangentially related to coffee.


EDITORIAL: journalism, interviews, reported & researched articles

ESSAYS: personal with a focus on cultural identity and food

COPYWRITING: refreshing brand voice and stories for brands

As an editor-at-large at Sprudge, I write deep-dive features that explore the culture of specialty coffee, including roadside architecture of giant coffee pots, the brief history of coffee unions, and setting boundaries in the workspace.

Read all my feature pieces on Sprudge.

My photo and written essays are heavily informed by my upbringing as a child of immigrant parents– straddling two cultures and never quite fitting into either of them.

Battling the entrenched belief that productivity = self-worth, I try hard to develop my hobbies, such as finding new chip flavors to try, traveling when I can, and nurturing my container garden. All my different experiences and interests make their way into my writing.

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STYLE: documentary, colorful, authentic, natural light

SPECIALTIES: editorial, website stock, capturing creative moments

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